Friday, April 11, 2014

The Year of Twins

  We just had another set of twins born.  I am happy to report both are alive, standing, and have eaten.  That's our third set this year!  Evidently it's the year of the twins.  Its like its in the air or something.  And its not just the air in our area.....its all around.  We've seen this before.  It seems that when one ranch is having a lot of twins, most others are too.  (I haven't actually done a scientific survey across the whole country, we just ask the ranchers we know).  And its not just with twins.  Some years its the year of the backward calves.  And believe me, those years are NOT fun years.   My Farmer is sure there is something to this......some unknown factor of the universe that effects things here on earth in ways we can't explain.  I don't known about that, but I do find it very interesting.  What I do know is now we have added to our work load, bottle feeding two calves.  But that's all part of Livin' the life, the Farm Life that is, and I'm ok with that.