2% of the US population live on farms.
90% of US farms are operated by individuals or family corporations.
15% of jobs for the US population are provided by agriculture.
- Ag land provides habitat for 75% of the nation's wildlife.
An acre of land is roughly the size of a football field. On that acre, a farmer can produce 24,000 heads of lettuce ~ 45,000 pounds of strawberries ~ 36,000 pounds of potatoes ~ 28,800 pounds of navel oranges ~ 14,000 pounds of sweet corn ~ 1,329 pounds of cotton.
- The same chemicals that gives tart cherries their color may relieve pain better than aspirin and ibuprofen in humans. Eating about 20 tart cherries a day could reduce inflammatory pain and headache pain.
The dairy cow, in one day, consumes:
35 gallons of water
20 lbs of grain and concentrated feed
35 lbs of hay or silage
and an average milk cow produces 350,000 glasses of milk in her lifetime.
- Consumers spend $547 billion on food originating on US. farms and ranches. Of each dollar spent on food, the farmer's share is approximately 23 cents. The rest are for costs beyond the farm gate: processing, marketing, transportation, and distribution.
- The potato is the world’s fourth most important food crop
- The average American eats 126 pounds of potatoes a year
- Approximately 1/3 of all potatoes grown in the US are grown in the state of Idaho
- The Potato is a vegetable
- The Potato was the first vegetable grown in outer space
- At a White House dinner in 1802, President Thomas Jefferson was the first person to serve french fries in the United States.
- Frozen Potatoes, including French Fries, are the number one prepared style of Potatoes in the US . Americans eat more than 16 pounds of French Fries every year. That’s over 2 million tons!
- 62% of all Idaho potatoes that are harvested are used to make frozen or instant potatoes
- New York consumes more potatoes than any other state, followed by Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, and Texas
46 million turkeys are eaten at Thanksgiving, 22 million at Christmas, and 19 million at Easter.
88% of the population eat turkey at Thanksgiving dinner.
- The bright orange color of carrots tell you they're an excellent source of Vitamin A which is important for good eyesight, especially at night. Vitamin A helps your body fight infection, and keeps your skin and hair healthy.
- The average cow has more than 40,000 jaw movements per day.
- Brown and white eggs have the came nutritional value.
Hi Dear FarmerShil,
I found that you really passion about farming ang know your stuff:) I saw your blog while searching some farmer trivia's question for a Harvest Festival Event this coming Friday near UMN campus. I wonder if I can have your permission to share your farming knowledge (the post above) during the event. Thanks! I really like your post^^
Thank you Zi-Ning
Yes, you may use this trivia info.
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