Tuesday, May 10, 2011

You know you're married to a farmer when...........

Yesterday my Farmer and I took the day off.  What that means is, we needed supplies so we drove down to the valley.  Thus came my idea for today's blog.

You know you are married to a farmer when............

He offers to take you out to lunch.....cuz he needs something from the parts store in town.
Your big vacation for the year includes attending an agricultural event.

You're all dressed up for a nice evening out on the town, but you stop(just real quick)to check on the cows,  and  sure enough one is calving, so the evening is cut short.

Your farmer tells you to take the day off and enjoy a day with your girl friends.  Then you receive a call asking if you wouldn't mind stopping by the parts store and picking up some parts.

It's planting time, and the only way to have some quality time is to ride in the tractor with your farmer.  (And the older I get, the less room in the tractor there is.)

As I am writing this, my mother-in-law calls and asked how our trip was yesterday.  As I'm telling her about the day, she proceeds to tell me that she remembers that no matter where they were going on a trip, long or short, they always had to pick up parts.   She didn't even know I was blogging about this today!  SO weird.  But I guess that goes to show that somethings never change.  However, the upside to this story is that although my Farmer did get a lot of parts and supplies that were needed, I also got a much needed item, a new printer.  Plus I got lunch and dinner out of the deal.  So, once again, I'm happy, lovin' life, and still lovin' livin' the farm life.
Do you a comment to add to my You know you're married to a farmer when"......
I would love to hear it!!  


1 comment:

Sherry (citychiconafarm) said...

Oh sooooo true!! I use to birth all the time, when our sons were 5 & under that we never go out. I guess he got the trick from other farmers cuz now we head North to town for parts and dinner. Here are some more:

You only vacation during the winter months.

Farm wives with children are single Moms during planting, baling, and harvest season.