My Farmer has started plowing our fields and as he does every year, he asks me, "Are you going to plow for me?". And as always my answer is "No". (Well, actually in my head it's "Hell NO!") It's not that I couldn't do it (after all I am a women, therefore I can) (tehe), it's just that I choose not to. This is one piece of farm machinery that I have refused to learn how to use. I have learned to combine the oats, swath and bale hay, disk, cultivate, or rip the fields, but I do not plow. My Farmer informs me that it is one of the simpler implements to operate, but I do not care. I have watched (and rode) with him as he plows and it is pretty simple. The plow goes in the ground on one end of the field and when you get to the other end, you lift it up out of the ground, turn around and repeat.
But it's the turning around on the ends that I have an issue with. When My Farmer turns around on the ends of the field with the plow, he makes a figure 8 using the tractors speed to get the momentum to flip the plow over. When I turn around on the end of a field, I prefer to slow down and gently turn around. It's just to darn scary to me to go fast and I choose not to be scared. I have learned that life is all about choices. I choose not to be scared and I choose not to plow. The other reason that I do not plow, is also the reason I do not plant. I can not drive a straight row. I know, those people reading this that have plowed say that it's easy to go straight plowing, cuz one tire is in the furrow or something like that. But, believe me, I would make it crooked. There would be parts gone over twice, which is a waste of fuel, and other parts not touched at all. Not good I'm sure. And I have heard My Farmer complain about unplowed parts (when someone else plowed, not me). I find it ironic that no matter what he is doing in the field, he knows where the spot is that did not get plowed. It's like he is actually a part of the field. It's weird. And finally, maybe the
biggest reason that I have refused to plow, is that the tractor we hook the plow on to is an open cab tractor. Meaning no windows or doors (or radio). And it is usually a little chilly this time of year, to say the least. SO once again I am choosing. Choosing to stay warm, inside, by the fire.
One more reason I like my life. Choices. And I choose livin' the life, the farm life that is......