Wednesday, November 26, 2014

See ya when the sun comes up.

As I am sitting here in my living room, drinking my morning brew, watching the beautiful sunrise, my mind wonders back in time.  Memories of my Farmers grandfather, and one of his many saying  "see ya when the sun comes up".  Sitting here in this house that was once his, looking out the very window he did, looking at the same view he did every morning for over 60 years...this morning I think I get it.  I always wondered why he said that instead of goodbye or see ya tomorrow.  Watching the sun rise is magical, its awe-inspiring.  The feeling of greatfulness, the feeling of thanks for life, the feeling of a new beginning, the feeling of peace....these are all the feelings that awaken in me as I sit here and watch this event. I can Imagine him thinking the same when he looked out.  Only I'm sure he wasn't sitting, still in his pj's.  Nope, he'd be standing, dressed, ready to start the day. He didn't just start his day.....he started it watching the sun rise. 

Ok....done dreaming......back to reality.  To be honest, I am not a morning person. My Farmer gets up early and has always told me that morning is the best part of the day.  I argued that night was better.  I am trying to change my ways.  But I am starting to think that I could start to like this morning thing. As long as I can sit here by the window, stay in my pajamas, drink my morning brew and not talk to anyone until I'm ready.  Yep, just maybe I can get use to it.  With that said.....See ya when the sun comes up.

  After all, tomorrow never comes, but the sun does rise.


Lana's LIfe said...

You know, I can get a lot done around here while still in my P.J.s until my husband needs me to come outside. We have started to joke about it. I will ask as soon as he calls in the morning, "Do I need to go put on underwear for this?" ;-)

FarmerShil said...

Ha ha! Some mornings I get really lost in what I'm doing around the house then realize its time to fix lunch and I'm still in my PJs! Gotta love it though. Thankful I can! Thanks Lana for your comment.