Its been a little crazy around here lately. We have been getting a lot of snow, which is a good thing, it just keeps us hoppin'. Plus we have had a lot of wind and power outages. Besides feeding our 250+ head of cattle, we also have a snow removal business. Our daily schedule has been get up way before dawn (which I totally do not like), blow snow for 12 hours, feed cows, eat dinner, sleep, wake-up and start over. Thankfully we have had a little break in the weather so we could pay a little more, and much needed, attention to the cattle. We have 100+ weined calves watering off of a well. Which is a little worrisome when the power goes out. Or when the power company warns you to be prepared for it being out for a couple days! The cattle NEED water. Period. Luckily it has came back on within 5 hours or so. Thank goodness. The big cows are in a field with a creek running, so we do not have to worry about their water if the power goes out. What we do have to worry about is making sure they GO to water. Some of them can be lazy and not want to trudge thru the deep snow to the creek. (Fyi they do eat snow and get a little water that way) We also have to make sure they can still get to the creek and that it is not frozen over. So thats what we did yesterday. I snapped a picture of my Farmer shoveling the path to the creek for his cows.
You can see how deep the snow is......level with the wagon and the belly of the bulls. I am, of course, sitting in my warm tractor, listening to christmas music. Hehe. However, I was a little worried that I might get stuck down there, and I was really hoping I wouldnt drive into the creek, beings how I couldnt SEE IT! But alls good, I didnt run into the creek, and I didnt get stuck, only almost 3 times. I could have blown my way out with the snow blower, but that is for the last resort. Its a challenge to see how much snow I can actually drive my tractor through while pulling a wagon. Makes me feel powerful. Hehe (Unless I do get stuck, then I feel pretty stupid, especially if I have to have my Farmer get it unstuck. Never a good situation.) One of the reasons for driving so close to the creek is to make a path for the cows. Also if we feed them closer to water they will more likely go to water.
Well, since today is Christmas Eve, and I am not plowing snow, I best get some packages wrapped before my Farmer calls for my help in whatever comes up. Haha
But ya know, thats Livin' the Life......the Farm Life that is. I am thankful to be living in the most wonderful winter wonderland.