Friday, November 11, 2011

Them boots are made for .......working

Here is a picture of my Farmer trenching the ditch that the cable will be put in for the pivot.  (and in the back ground is the stuff that has to be moved.)
Here is a picture of me watching my Farmer trench the ditch.   Such a glamorous picture of me.  I was freezing my ass off.  My top part was OK (plenty of layers), just the bottom half was dressed wrong.   The boots I'm wearing are my muck boots,  which are wonderful and I dearly love, but they get cold after a while when it is below freezing.  So the next day I went to town and bought some new warmer boots.  I picked out a really pretty pair, but then my Farmer informed me that I needed practical boots for working in, not boots to make a fashion statement.  OK, Fine!  So I bought the practical pair.  They feel really warm, are all rubber, insulated, and come clear up to my knees.  They will work really well for walking in the deep snow this winter when I go out to start my tractor.  And I have since learned that they are water proof, and maybe the reason behind my Farmers reasoning for my getting them.
We were finishing up with the trench and got into a sloppy mucking water situation.  Well, with him being on the tractor, someone had to get in the slop and do the dirty work.  (This is one reason I learned to work the tractors, but there are times that doing the dirty work is a lot less stressful than running the tractor.)  So since I had on my new non-fashion statement boots, and he just happened to be wearing plain (non water proof) work shoes, I was elected to enter the slop.  And I must say, my new shinny boots worked just fine.  My feet did not get wet and stayed warm.
 Pretty nice huh?!  These were only 2 hours old when I took this picture, see the tags are still on them.  But they served their purpose, I was still toasty warm and I was able to just stick them under the facet and wash them off.  So I guess my Farmer knew what he was talking about when he said I needed practical boots to work in.  I just think I might get lots of funny looks when I run to town to do my shopping this winter.  But ya know, that's livin' the life, the farm life that is....................

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