Tuesday, July 19, 2011

What does a Tan Line tell YOU?

It's amazing the things that go through your head while you are going back and forth in the field on a tractor.  Today I was thinking about tans.  I figure there are basically 2 kinds of tans, the working tans and the not working tans.  The not working tans include the full body, bikini, you get the picture. I haven't had this kind of  tan since high school, so I am no longer in tune with them.  However, the working tans I am.  They include the following......

Farmers Tan.......Tan neck and both arms are tan from the hands up to about  4 inches below the shoulder, where the shirt sleeve starts.

Truck Drivers Tan.......The left arm is tan, within 4 inches of the shoulder also, and a little darker around the elbow area.

Cowboy Tan........Tan neck and "V" area below the neck and tan face except for the forehead where the hat sits.

Farmer's Wife's Tan........Both arms are tan and a tan "V" area below the neck.

This tan I know well.  I actually start the summer out with a farmers tan.  As it gets warmer I switch to my sleeveless blouses and soon develop the farmers wife's tan.  I try to select different neckline shirts to wear so I don't have the "V" tan, but it just doesn't seem to work.  A few days ago, we went out on the town with some friends.  Exciting for me, I got to wear a new shirt!  So, I was all dressed, thinking I looked pretty good,(at least I didn't have any mud or grease on me, that I could see anyways) I turn to my Farmer to ask how I looked.  Now I know I shouldn't do this, cuz he has told me a million times that it is a loaded question and no matter what he says, it will be wrong.  (This is true, but I still have to ask.)  Anyways, his comment was, "It looks like you have 2 farmer's wife's tans.  (yep, he knows he shouldn't, but he still answers)  And he was right. So much for wearing different neck lines.  But oh well, I earned those stripes (or "v's" I should say).  After all I am living the farm life.................and loving it.   So, what kind of a tan do you have?

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