Sunday, August 21, 2011

Could have, would have, should have...............

OK, so I'm not very good at this.  One week ago, I told myself that I was going to be committed and blog 3 days in a row, telling our haying process, with pictures and all, each day a different step.  Well, that didn't work did it!!!  I guess it goes to show that I really do not have much control over my life.  (that's my excuse anyways, and I'm sticking to it!)  Oh, if I would have stayed up really late each night, I probably could have gotten it done.  But, you see I really like my sleep, and after doing what ever it was I did during the day, I was tired.  And if I would have gotten up early in the morning, I probably could have gotten it done.  But, I really do not like mornings, so I do not usually get much done in the mornings.  I know, you are thinking that you thought farmers got up with the sun to go to work.  Well, my Farmer does, and that's when I get my best sleep!  So, I am just writing this short little blog to say, Hey, I'm still here, and one of these days, I will finish the haying, both real and blogging.  Thanks for hanging in there with me.

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