Monday, August 15, 2011

Time Flies when your Making Hay

Time flies when you're having fun.  So the saying goes.  Well, I'm not real sure how much fun I have been having, but the time sure is flying.  It has been over 3 weeks since I have had a chance to sit down and write something in my blog.  We have been very busy haying, and it has taken us a little longer than it should because of the weather.  But, we finally finished with our 1st cutting.  And good thing, cuz it's time to start the 2nd cutting!  When we first started out this year, I carried my camera along with me so I could blog and share what we were doing as we were doing it.  However, as you can tell, that didn't happen.  I got the pictures taken, but didn't get them shared.  I finally have time to share, so here goes.  The above picture is my Farmer swathing hay. This is the first step in the process of making hay.  (well, that is after it has been established into a hay field, you know, like planted and grown)  Here are two more pictures of swathing. 
nice windrow of hay with our dog Pete standing guard.
We raise straight alfalfa hay and an orchard grass and alfalfa mix hay.  After the hay is cut, it will usually take about 3 to 4 days to dry before we can bale it.  I do enjoy driving the swather (after all, it does have a cab, air conditioning, and a radio), but I usually don't get to run it very much.  My father-in-law usually gets that job.  As I said in my previous blog, my main job during haying season is raking.  I will share that job here on my blog tomorrow, granted that my Farmer doesn't find something exciting for me to do away from the house.

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