Thursday, June 21, 2012

And On the Farm they had a Dog..................

I've decided to go through my blogs and pick a few favorites and re post them.  Here goes....

Have you ever had one of those moments when you do something stupid and then you look around to see if anyone was watching?  Well, this is one of my stupid moments

When my boys were little, we got a dog for them.  Being the wonderful mother that I am, I wanted to name him something the little guys could easily say.  My boys favorite book at the time was of animals and the sounds they make.  The sound for the dog was arf.  So that became the name of the dog, Arf.   I thought it was very clever, and a good name, if I do say so myself.  We have had many dogs here on the ranch, and with dogs, comes issue.  One issue this dog had was that he would chase cars, and bark at anyone walking by (come to think of it, we have that issue with our current dogs).  Anyways, our farm is located 4 miles from town, and our road has a lot of traffic, in the form of cars, walkers, and bikers.  On this one particular summer day, the boys and I were outside soaking up the sun, when Arf starting barking.  I yelled at him to quit, and looked up to see what he was barking at.  It was a lady on her bicycle, out for a nice ride in the countryside.   Before I knew it, Arf was headed down the driveway after her.  Now, I was getting pretty tired of his chasing habit, and barking at everybody going by, so I was going to teach him a lesson!  I headed down the driveway after the dog.  So here is the scene;  One bicycler peddling along, one dog running towards the biker, barking,  and one lady (me, myself, and I) also running down the driveway yelling Arf, Arf, Arf, all the way.  I'm not sure who was scared the most, the dog, who took off in a different direction, or the fast peddling bicycler being chased by a dog and a barking lady.   But I felt pretty good, because the dog stopped chasing the bicycler, I did not know this person, so life was good.  My first mistake was telling the family what I did (yep, I do seem to have a big mouth).  It then became the favorite story of my brother-in-law.  He, in turn, would repeat this story when ever he had a chance. (I'm sure most of the town had heard about.)  So this brings me to the "Rest of the Story".  As I said in my "about me", we grew potatoes in the past.  Every spring, we hired people to help us with the sorting and shipping, plus every available family member helped when they could.  So one day, my wonderful brother-in-law was helping out, and decided to share the "Arf Story" with the crew.  As he finished, and everyone was hysterically laughing, one of the crew, looked up and said, "that was me!"  I just about died..........

So the moral of the story is........think before you name your dog, and if you do something stupid, don't tell others about it!!  (yep, like I am doing now)

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