Friday, March 11, 2011

Beauty Sleep and other necessities.............

Evidently my body thought I should be plowing snow this morning, cuz it is 4:00a.m. and I am wide awake. Looked outside and there is only around 1 inch of new snow on the ground.  So NO, body, I do not need to be awake!!  So after trying for an hour to go back to sleep, it's to the computer I must go.  And I have new followers!!  I am so excited!!  Thanks for following.  So, back to the sleep thing.  I really like my sleep.  I need my sleep.  I think I really always took the phrase "beauty sleep" literally.  If I do not get my sleep, I am not a beautiful person. 
Well, I guess I shouldn't put myself down like that.  OK, I am a beautiful person.  Only if you talk to anyone that has visited with me in the mornings, they will agree that I am not very, let's say pleasant that time of the day.  But hey, morning only lasts for a little while, but it is a lot shorter if I'm sleeping!!  OK, I'm done venting.  I've had my cup of tea with sugar and cream, and I'm feeling sweeter by the minute.
I just went to let the dog out, (guess she's thinking we should be working too), and it is so beautiful outside.  It's a little chilly, 20 degrees, the sky is clear, stars are shining, and it seems so peaceful.   And then I thought, I am so glad we have indoor plumbing!  I would hate to have to go out in the middle of the night to the outhouse.  And I would have to, too, because nature does call in the middle of the night quite regular, and there is no way I would have used one of those chamber pots in the house to be dumped the next morning.  That is just yucky!!  When we first moved into this house, the outhouse was still standing, so it is so easy to image them using it.  A lot of people talk about wishing they could live just like people did 100 years ago or so.  Well, we are where we're at and have what we have because those people 100 years ago had life hard and they wanted to make it better for their future generations.  And for that I say "THANK YOU" for making my life a little easier.  I love my indoor plumbing,  my cozy warm house, and my soft warm bed, that I believe is calling me once again.
Please stop back by when you get a chance.  In my next blog, I am going to share a story "Is a day without Agriculture possible".  I would love to hear your comments or thoughts.

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