Monday, March 7, 2011

Is It Spring Yet?

Yesterday was such a beautiful day.  Spring time weather is just amazing. ( I know that we are not actually into spring yet here in the central Idaho mountains, but it makes us feel better to think that we are.)  Last weekend we wouldn't go outside without the normal seven layers of winter clothing on and yesterday evening my farmer was feeding the cows in just his t-shirt ( and pants, of course).  Well, since it was such a warm day, the "farming bug" started to awaken in my farmer.  He just had to connect with some dirt.  His "cabin fever" was starting to settle in (meaning::....the feeling that winter will never end). 
I think I need to fill in a little background info here.  When we were growing potatoes, spring time was a very busy time for us.  Without having potatoes to ship out, my farmer was finding himself going crazy this time of year.  To be truthful, I was finding him going crazy also.  So two years ago he decided to plant some tomato seed for an early spring hobby.  This was great.  He planted a few pots, and it was a fun experiment.  Last year, he planted a few more seeds, and come June we had 25 - 30 tomato plants growing in the upstairs bedroom.  Our boys came home for a visit and they told us that it looked like we were growing something illegal!!  So, we finally got the plants moved outside into a greenhouse that we built on the south end of our garage.  Now, back to present day.  My farmer made his greenhouse open on both ends so he could get the rototiller in to work the ground. Grand idea don't ya think!  Well, as I said earlier, his "farming bug" was stirring.  Needless to say, my farmer got out the rototiller.   Now you have to realize that we do still have at least a foot and a half of snow on the ground, and it will be months before we can even think about planting anything out there.  Anyways, first up, my farmer had to shovel the snow away to get into the greenhouse.  Then he had to shovel the snow from in front of the shed to get the rototiller out.  And wouldn't you know, that machine started right up, it only took about 10 pulls.  I snapped a picture of him on his way to the greenhouse with the rototiller.  Can't you just see that excitement on his face?  My farmer is now happier.  He got to play in the dirt.

I'm sure now we are on our way of breaking this "cabin fever" and can say we survived yet another long winter.  But I won't be for sure for another month, so make sure and visit me again.


Christina York said...

I LOVE this post girl! Doing a awesome job... great picture of Justin... looks like he can't wait to get to plowing up that nice GARDEN spot for you! Keep up the great posts!

FarmerShil said...

Thanks Christina, that means a lot to me.