Friday, September 30, 2011

A Shinny new item arrives at our farm.....So Exciting!

Things have been very exciting around here lately.  We have been installing a new pipeline and pivot.  We have been wanting to do this project for a long time and now it is finally happening.  It's a pretty spendy project, but in the long run, it will save us time and money.  I wanted to share this with everyone, so I grabbed my camera to capture it in pictures.  My mother-in-law has always taken pictures when a new structure goes up on the farm.  It's really cool to look back through her pictures and see the steps from beginning to end.  So that was my goal with this pivot installation.  The following picture is one I took looking out across the field of where the pivot will go as I was waiting for the truck to arrive that was hauling the pivot.  My Farmer thought I was really crazy for wanting to take a picture of the truck, but I wanted to document every step, and the arrival is the first step. 
Waiting for the truck.  The sun has just peaked over the mountain.
waiting for the truck
still waiting for the truck
I guess I was a little anxious, cuz I had to wait quite a while before the truck arrived, so I just kept taking pictures of the field.  But hey, it was a gorgeous morning.
 Yep, still waiting for the truck, so we might as well check to see if the oats are ready to harvest.
Yea, it's here!!!  I was so excited!  I'm sure the truck driver thought I was totally a crazy woman out there taking pictures of him arriving but oh well.  I gave him coffee so I'm sure he forgot about the picture taking crazy lady.
There it goes, turning into our field.  So exciting!!!  Are you feeling the excitement too?

 This picture is from the center of the pivot looking out across the field.  The truck drives along thru the field and the workers lay out the pipe and all the pieces along the way.  When everything is laid out, they go back and put it all together. 
This picture is what had been completed at the end of the first day.  The next day I had errands to do in town, and by the time I got home around 3:00 the pivot was all up and done.  It was so amazing how fast they put it up!  I was totally bummed to not have pictures of this process, but oh well, it's up and looking pretty shinny.
 Now we are installing the pipe line that will carry the water from our canal to the center pivot.  This does go a little slower, and I am getting more pictures of it. So once I get a break, I will be posting pictures of the pipeline installation.  So fun and exciting!!!!

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