Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Here go's nothing......

OK, so here goes.  My attempt to blog.  First I have to thank Christina, for giving me the little boost I needed to get started here. I am totally new to this blogging thing, and I'm still not sure how it all works, but I'll never learn if I don't start.  I've been contemplating doing this for some time, but was not sure what I would blog about. 

There are a lot of people out there that do what I do, so who would care what I have to say, who would want to read about what I do, plus what would they think?.  All my life I have always held back doing things because of my fear of what other people might think of me.  A while back, I read a quote a Facebook friend posted about not being able to control what others think; that what they think is not your problem.  Bingo!   That statement totally got me doing some deep thinking.  I love my life, I love what I do, and I love sharing with people.  So, I am going to start blogging for myself, not caring what others think.  (not really, but hopefully they think good things).  So here I go, one big step in a new direction; I'm starting this blogging thing.............

A Little About Myself
I married my junior high sweetheart, yes that is junior high, around 30 years ago.  We got married 3 weeks after I graduated from high school.  Yes, we were pretty young.  It was slightly an ordeal at the time with my family, but it happened and it has been a grand married life.  However, when I married him, I really didn't know what I was getting into.  I believe that is true for everyone, but you see, the man I married was a farmer.  And when you marry a farmer, you marry the farm.  That may sound crazy, but for you farm and ranch wives out there, you can relate.  I was not a city girl, by my standards, but I was not a farm girl.  I, however, feel that I have evolved.  I am now my "Farmers" right hand (wo)man, and yes, we are still best of friends, most days anyhow.  I have learned to drive the tractors, disk a field, bale hay, herd cows, drive a semi-truck, and how to check the moisture in a potato field.  All skills any girl would be proud to put on a resume', don't ya think? Farming is a business, but it is also,our way of life.  Farming is what we do and we are very proud of it.  I do feel very grateful for the life lessons I have learned here on the farm, and that is what I would like to share through this blog.  My way of living life, the farm life, that is. 

So, please come back, live a little farm life with me through my blogging adventure............

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