Monday, February 14, 2011

A picture can say it all..........

.......if you know how to capture it!

The next step in my blogging adventure, is to figure out how to post pictures. I have started taking my camera with me when I leave the house, so I can capture some "moments" to share.  There are so many "awesome" moments on a ranch, but it is really hard to capture them in a picture.  Or I should say, it is hard for me to capture them in picture.    My brother, who is a professional photographer, can. 

I was going through some old pictures at my mother-in-laws house just before Christmas and found a photo that my brother had taken maybe 30 years ago, of my dad and my father-in-law.  The photo shows them riding the feed wagon, behind a team of horses, feeding cows, in the fog.  It is soooo cool.  I had him make me copies, framed them, and gave one each to my boys for a Christmas gift.  How cool is that!  Both their grandpas, together, in a really cool photo.  I would really like to use that photo for my blog background, but since he is a professional and all, I have to get his permission.  Besides, I don't even know how to do that to my blog.  But I have high hopes that it will happen.  Now as I said, it was so awesome to find that picture, but the best part was the time spent with my mother-in-law, going through all those old photos.  She, unlike me, is really good at putting photos in albums.  Mine are all in boxes.  However, these photos we were looking through are not in albums and had kind of been forgotten.  Sitting down, going thru pictures and talking about them, it was such a special time.  We even found some pictures from when she was in high school, that were sooo coool.  Which was kind of weird, cuz you really don't ever imagine them as being teenagers, but it does give you a new insight into them.  Then at Christmas, she gave a few of those photos to her kids and grandkids in their Christmas cards, and they totally love that!  So, if you get the time to set down with a family member, especially the older generation, and look at old photos together, do it!  I highly recommend it!  A photo is worth a thousand words, and time shared with the family member involved with the photo is priceless.
Hopefully, my next posting will have pictures, so be sure and check back in........

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