Friday, June 10, 2011

We all gather at the branding

Time flies when your having fun.......I'm sure that's the way the saying goes.  I'm not real sure how much fun I'm really having right now, but the time is flying.  Last weekend we branded, vaccinated, and castrated our calves.  The rain clouds parted and the sun shined through, making it a wonderful day to work the calves.
Besides the gathering of the livestock, working the calves also is a gathering of family and friends.  It's really great to have extra hands willing to take a day out of their already busy lives, to come and help us with the cattle.  And we always have a great time.  We had enough people to help this year that I didn't have to do much at all.  Which worked out for the best, since I learned my body was not ready for the heat and I ended up getting heat stroke.  After we were done with the calves, everyone ended the day sitting around our fire pit with their favorite beverage, eating BBQ ribs my Farmer cooked, roasting marshmallows, and telling lies, I mean stories.  I, however, was lying in the house on the couch, really mad that I felt so yucking and was missing out on all the fun.  Oh well, there's always next year...........

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