Well, my midnight cow check duty is not fun anymore. Tonight, the moon is just under full, the sky is clear, the stars are shining, but it's frickin cold! Its suppose to be 15 degrees! Ugh. I really want to just crawl into my nice warm bed and go to sleep, but these are the nights that it is most important for me to do my part and check the cows. There is usually nothing going on when I go out, but you just never know when I might find something in trouble. If a calf is born when it's this cold, we have to make sure he gets up and eats. If it's too cold and if the momma is not aggressive enough at licking him, the calf could just lay there and freeze to death. And thats never good.
There was a new baby calf born this evening just before dark. He had gotten up and eaten from his momma, but he was still pretty wet. I will look for him and make sure his momma picked a warm place to bed him down.
Well, it's almost time for me to go check things. I believe I will be putting on my insulated coveralls tonight and my warm fur hat. And I'll be driving the pickup over. That warm pickup, with the heated seats, waiting for me, after riding around on the 4-wheeler, through the cows, in 15 degrees temperature, will be mighty nice. Yep, thats Livin' the Life, the Farm Life that is.......
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