Friday, April 29, 2011

The Secret Ingredient preview...........

My youngest son is getting married this summer and I am headed to my future daughter-in-law's bridal shower.  This is so exciting!  I have picked out a special present for her and can't wait to give it to her.  I am also going to include a tradition gift that I started giving out to new brides some 10 years ago or so.  I love giving this gift and I would really like to share the story behind the gift with my readers.  This story goes back at least 20 years, so here's the background.  I was speaking at a Mother's Day brunch, and I choose to read a very touching story from the Reminisce Magazine about a special ingredient in a little tin can.  I had brought a little tin can with the special ingredient with me and gave it out as a prize after I read the story.  Then I forgot about it.  Years later, as I was cleaning out my Farmer's grandmothers house after she had passed away, I found the little tin can that I had giving away that day at the brunch.  She had won the prize and had kept the little tin can with the special ingredient on her stove all these years.  I was very touched.  And I decided right then that I had to give this as a gift to new brides.  I then went on a search for that magazine with the story in it, because the story makes the gift all that more special.  I know I did not throw it away, I distinctly remember putting it somewhere so I could find it later.  (To this day, I still have not found that magazine.)  So I decided to write my own story.  I remembered the basic plot behind the story and the important words, so I just winged it and came up with my own story.  Are you ready for my story of Bill and Glenda and the secret ingredient?  Now, as I said at the beginning, I am headed to the shower, so I'm thinking it might be best if I wait and share the story with everyone after the shower.  Who knows, she might read this and I don't want to spoil the moment now do I!  Besides, as usual, I have rattled on enough for today.  So please come back in a couple of days and I will share with you the secret ingredient in the little tin can. 

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