Thursday, April 19, 2012

Guest blogging, ya right.......

The other night my Farmer and I were at a meeting, and I so wish I had had a tape recorder.  There were a couple of other ranchers there and they started sharing stories.  I tried to remember them so I could come home and blog about them, figuring I'd have fresh blogs for a while.  But when I sat down to write them, it just wasn't the same coming from my mind.  That's when I figured that I needed to have a guest blog tab.  I could have the other ranchers write their stories and then I can share it thru my blog.  Great idea huh!?  And I guess here I am assuming that they would want me to blog about them.   But I'm pretty sure they would.  Cuz, everyone wants to be famous, right??  And by me blogging their story, we would be doing just that.  Cuz, as you know, I have made my Farmer famous, right??  Ya, I know, I'm thinking a little to highly of my blog.  But if I don't talk it up, who will, right??  So, I'm going to start working on my rancher friends to give me stories.  We'll see if they get as excited about being blogged about as my Farmer does.  And if that's the case, you won't see a guest blog tab........
And just for your information, if you are wondering why I called these guys ranchers and not farmers, it's because their ropes are coiled.......(read the difference between a farmer and a rancher
So, if any of you neighbors out there are reading this, write down your story, submit it to me and be my first guest blog.  This could be fun!  We'll even pick out an awesome name for ya..............

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